January 22, 2020
I don’t know where you are at in life or what you are trying to accomplish with this goal, but without the execution, nothing will happen…EVER. I have personally purchased well over 100 planners, motivation books, self help books, self help guides, and many other items. Yet, this is what it actually comes down to:


I obviously think that goal setting and planning is important. We have created a goal journal just for that purpose. Ultimately, actually the actual performance is up to you. What does it take?
Do you need a boot camp style coach yelling at you in that scary but motivational way?
Do you need a positive believes in you at all times person to help you believe in yourself enough?
Do you rely on yourself and your own ability to make things happen?
When you look at anything you have accomplished in the past, what was the 1st step you actually took?
What did that look like?
What finally prompted you to take this step?
When I look at my life, I find that anything I have accomplished, I have done so with the kick help of other people. I got to the place that I am at through action. Whether it was follow through on someone else’s plan for me or me stepping out of my comfort zone to try something new I did it through action. I say this because I have met people whose action taken is none at all. They have dreams and goals and have big wishes for their lives but then they sit and watch TV or play the computer games or know everything happening on Facebook and in the world. I don’t believe that someone who knows everything about everyone all the time is actively pursuing any personal goals. And if there is, please comment with your goals and how you keep up with it all!!

I am not talking about taking massive time out of your time either. What can you do for 5 minutes that might bring you closer to where you see yourself? 5 minutes. Set a timer. Set your phone alarm. Take a small bit of time from your lunch to get into what you want to do. Do you ride the bus? Write during the drive. Do you veg out after dinner after work? Eat a lighter dinner (smaller plates = smaller portions…unless you get up and up and up for 2nd, 3rd, or more). My action items started really small. I remember at the time they felt minuscule. I heard someone say that everything has already been done before, and likely written about their experience. I realized that if that’s true that I could find a book that I could relate to and see how that person started.
If you are using this 30 day challenger, look what actual actionable steps you can take and then EXECUTE those steps. Keep moving in a motion, whether backward or forward keep executing your steps that are taking you to your goal. Use the Challenger as a way to track your progress, even it’s one month at time. Inaction is not taking you anywhere. Using this as the small percentage of strategy, execute your dreams.

Until next time,